As part of the admissions process, all candidates are required to take a CAT4 (Cognitive Ability Test), a standard universal online test organised by our school. In exceptional circumstances, we may accept UKiset tests as an alternative. Additionally, all candidates will have an interview with the Headmistress, which can be conducted either in person or online. If the candidate’s first language is not English, they will be asked to write a letter of application introducing themselves. A copy of the candidate’s recent school report/grades must also be submitted.  Finally, an offer letter with schedule, boarding houses etc will be assigned and we look forward to seeing them at school.

Once a place is accepted, Westonbirt, as a Tier 4 licensed sponsor, can issue a CAS to non-British students who wish to study in the UK. After accepting the offer and paying the deposit, the school will provide the student with the CAS and a supporting visa letter. Without the CAS, non-British students cannot apply for a Tier 4 visa to study in the UK. Visa applications should be made online at

For more information: click here